Finally, you’ve secured the home of your dreams. Congrats on becoming a homeowner! At last, you can breathe a sigh of relief and relax…right? Not so fast. Becoming a homeowner is no small feat, a series of essential tasks still awaits you. Luckily, we’ve created a new homeowner checklist to help you get settled in no time.

Like a regular health check-up, a home maintenance schedule is important for every house’s upkeep. Continuing to check on your exterior, appliances, heating and cooling, plumbing, security, and electrical systems will help prevent breakdowns, save money, and keep your home looking its best.

Use this home maintenance checklist to help schedule seasonal updates, repairs, cleaning, and a handful of monthly tasks. Revisit the list monthly and at the beginning of each season to keep your home in prime working condition. If any recommended home repairs and maintenance go beyond your skill level or lead to more complicated projects, consider hiring a professional to help.

If you’re a first-time homeowner, you have some work ahead, but the rewards of homeownership are well worth it. Use this new homeowner checklist to guide you on your way! All you have to do is enter your email address at the top of this page to receive the checklist, and we’ll also add you to our daily Ultra Smart House Newsletter, where you will receive daily tips designed to save you and your family money as we teach you all of the shortcuts. Your wallet will thank you!


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