You bought your first home. Congrats! But now what? When you’re staring at a blank slate, it can be tough to fill every room in your new abode. But just remember, outfitting a home is a marathon, not a sprint. Read on to find out the must-haves and can-skips of one of your new home’s most essential spaces: the laundry room.

  1. Foam Flooring: It’s best to start from the ground up and the last thing you want for the room intended to keep your laundry clean is for it to smell dirty. Foam flooring, like the interlocking comfort flooring from Venture Products, inhibits the growth of stain and odor causing bacteria so your feet are comfy and your floors cleaner.
  1. Hanging Bar: Whether it’s your favorite holiday sweater or go-to date night dress, there are some pieces of your wardrobe that just can’t handle a spin in the dryer. Installing a simple bar near the dryer will allow you to quickly hang self-dry items without creating clutter in the rest of the house.
  1. Mops & Brooms: Since your laundry room often pulls double duty as a supply closet, invest in a few cleaning essentials upfront, like a broom, vacuum and mop. But invest wisely because when you’re pushing your new broom or mop around the house, the last thing you want to think about is bacteria lining your floor. Cleaning your cleaning supplies might be a bit excessive but plan ahead by buying Quickie mops and brooms that feature antimicrobial technology which will help keep cleaning products cleaner.
  1. Washer & Dryer: An obvious essential, right? When buying a washer and dryer, it’s important to invest in one that’s going to last. Be aware that some washing machines have a tendency to hold water in their seal, causing mildew growth. Plus, laundry that lingers can start to smell. You have piles of laundry to worry about, not odor coming from the washing machine.
  1. Laundry Hamper: Laundry piles are a hotbed for bacteria growth, which can cause stains in your clothes, not to mention serious odor. Keeping the hamper empty at all times isn’t practical, but preventing the smell is. Clean the inside of your hamper with a sponge, warm water and baking soda to help combat the stink and fight bacteria growth.