Out of 127.59 million households in the United States, only 36 million have home security systems, according to an article from the New York Times1. That’s slightly less than 30 percent! We thought that was a shockingly low number and were unsure why more people didn’t want to know if they were being robbed. After much consideration, we attributed this statistic to the lack of education available regarding home security.
It can be difficult for anyone to really know if they need a security system or which system works best for them. We created this guide to help our readers determine the value of a home security system in their lives! Here, we address key questions about home security systems, including their pros and cons, effectiveness, and necessity.
To do this, we draw on academic studies as well as information from local police departments.
Home Burglary Statistics
Many people hesitate to purchase a security system because they think something like:
“I don’t need a security system. I have never been robbed before and I feel like my area is safe. What’s the point of spending hundreds of dollars on a home security system?”
Our point, however, is that burglaries happen, whether we want to admit it or not. And most of us don’t expect to be the next victim. In a review of FBI records, statistics told us that there were 1.5 million burglaries in the United States during 2015, with a total loss of $3.6 billion and an average loss of $2,316. That’s certainly not chump change! Plus, over 70 percent of those burglaries occurred on residential properties, a fact that makes us think homeowners and renters should be particularly concerned.
One deterrent to purchasing a home security system is the public’s lack of assurance as to whether or not security systems are effective solutions. Join us on our journey to find out below.
Are Home Security Systems Effective?
Between 2001 and 2005, researchers at Rutgers University studied crime data from the nearby Newark Police Department. Their results led them to conclude that residential burglar alarm systems decrease crime, a fact that matched our original expectation.
Dr. Seungmug Lee, an associate professor of criminology and criminal justice at the University of Texas at Arlington, explained that the study determined that even a single house equipped with an alarm made the surrounding area less enticing for burglars. More so, he noted that the security systems seemed to do this without displacing crime to other neighborhoods. Talk about killing two birds with one stone!
Why Do We Need Home Security?
A clear-cut way to prevent crime, home security systems have a few advantages. Of course, they have their disadvantages too. As experts in the security industry, we understand both sides. We believe our readers should examine each side of the coin before committing to or deciding against a security system.
Pros of Having A Home Security System
Let’s begin our overview of home security systems with the positives.
A 2018 research study by the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at the University of North Carolina surveyed more than 400 convicted burglars about how they accessed the homes they robbed. From their findings, we learned that most burglars used doors or windows that were already open or that they forced open to enter the home.
Discounts on Home Insurance
Another reason we support home security systems is that they often lead to discounts on home insurance. Knowing this gives us increased confidence in our home security system. After all, insurance companies wouldn’t provide us with a discount if they didn’t think that home security systems effectively prevented burglaries.